Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party |
May is a wonderful month for celebrations. Everyone is out again, ready to mingle after the long and cold winter. We seem more inclined to meet strangers, resume old friendships, toast to everything from good weather to a birthday. The number of parties in the last week assures me that Spring is really here, and all the woolen sweaters may truly be put away for the next season. We may not be in short sleeves yet, but sun hats and smiles have returned.
I know many May Queens which means that beyond the expected pleasures of fine weather, I also have lots of fêtes to celebrate their years of life lived well. Today is one of them and though she is not particularly fond of this annual event, I wish that we lived at the end of the 19th century when she might have planned a musical evening such as the one below. I would have gotten there early just as Tissot shows in order to enjoy every moment of the night party, request my favorite dancing music, and show off my new dress. In the meantime, I can only imagine what my own fête might be like this year, last century and for years to come!
James Tissot, Too Early |
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